This is Stacey from the guerilla drive in collective.
Please excuse this email which isn't really about gdi, but I need your help.
My heart is totally broken because my cat, Violet, is missing. You can help by doing two things.
First of all, if you live on the lower west side, it would be great if you could keep your eyes open for her, especially if you live near the circle neighborhood. I lost her from my home on Walk Circle, and I think she is still pretty near by, somewhere between Almar, Bay Street and Mission.
Second, could you forward this on to anyone you know who DOES live on the lower west side? I have gone door to door with fliers, put up posters, checked the shelters, visited my old house, walked the neighborhood etc. I am even setting kitty food traps and conducting kitty stake outs. But I need all the help I can get and all the extra eyes helping look.
Following is the flier I made:
Missing Cat
(Her name is Violet)
See below for pictures
*Missing since 3/11/08
We just moved to the neighborhood, and she didn't even have a chance to eat a meal or acclimate to the new house before she broke out through a broken cat door. We are concerned that she has no inclination or knowledge of how to return to this house.
*She was wearing a blue collar with a magnetic tag (so that only she can come in through the cat door). She was not wearing a tag, because I wasn't expecting her to get out.
She has huge blue eyes, black ears, a black tail, a white throat and belly, a brownish body with black stripes and spots, a white face and a pink nose.
*She is friendly but skittish. If you see her, try to coax her somewhere secure with food. (Shaking a container of dry food usually gets her attention.)
*Any information is appreciated. If you can help her come home that is great, but I would also just like to know that she is alive and somewhere in the neighborhood.

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