The Grapes of Wrath
From Oklahoma and elsewhere, dispossessed farmers migrate westward to California. After terrible trials en route they become little more than slave labor. Among the throng are the Joads who refuse to knuckle under, struggling to survive and make their way in an increasingly unfamiliar and unfriendly world. A classic battle for justice and labor rights in the face of tyrannical bosses and brutal repression. Based on the classic and controversial novel; by John Steinbeck.
Friday July 31, 2009 8:30 pm
Under the Soquel Avenue Bridge
over the San Lorenzo River, Santa Cruz
Always Free!
PLUS thrilling and funny short films, an intermission, great company and a guaranteed good time!
BRING blankets, pillows, anything you need to be comfortable in the great outdoors, friends, drinks and snacks and anything to share. Donations to support the project are more than welcome.
URBAN WASTELAND LOCATION: From downtown, head south on Soquel Avenue. At Riverside, by the Royal Taj, turn right. Follow the path down to the sandy area under the bridge.
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