Presents: an existential comedy
(because you know that "Harry Potter" will be sold out)

i ♥ huckabees:
Determined to solve the coincidence of seeing the same conspicuous stranger three times in a day, Albert hires a pair of existentialist detectives, who insist on spying on his everyday life. With their help Albert examines his life, his relationships, and his conflict with Brad Stand and the notoriously un-environmental Huckabees, a popular chain of retail superstores.
Friday July 17, 2009 8:30 pm
Under the Soquel Avenue Bridge
over the San Lorenzo River, Santa Cruz
Always Free!
Under the Soquel Avenue Bridge
over the San Lorenzo River, Santa Cruz
Always Free!
SANTA CRUZ GUERILLA DRIVE-IN is an outdoor movie theatre under the stars that springs up in the fields and industrial wastelands. Beyond showing great movies and bringing a broad community together, part of our mission is helping reclaim public space and transforming our urban environment into the joyful playground it should be.
PLUS thrilling and funny short films, an intermission, great company and a guaranteed good time!
BRING blankets, pillows, anything you need to be comfortable in the great outdoors, friends, drinks and snacks and anything to share. Donations to support the project are more than welcome.
URBAN WASTELAND LOCATION: From downtown, head south on Soquel Avenue. At Riverside, by the Royal Taj, turn right. Follow the path down to the sandy area under the bridge.
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