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Friday, August 28, 2009


Guerilla Drive-In, Downtown, Santa Cruz


Woowoo!  We finally put together our winter schedule.


** Since 2002 · 122 films · 13 locations **
2009-2010 Winter Schedule

An outdoor movie theater under the stars that springs up unexpectedly in the fields and industrial wastelands. Beyond showing great free movies year-round and bringing a broad community together, part of our mission is reclaiming public space and transforming our urban environment. 

3rd Friday of Every Month all Winter
Locations vary (see below). Always free!

PLUS thrilling and funny short films, an intermission, and great company.

BRING blankets, pillows, friends, drink, & snackies to share for intermission. Donations to support the project are more than welcome.

Minority Report                     8pm Dec 18th

This overlooked sci-fi psycho-thriller reminds us of the dangers of inviting an all-seeing government to monitor every action of our lives and of the risks of arresting people for a crime they have yet to commit. Location: SubRosa, 703 Pacific Ave

Star Wars Marathon (Episodes 4-6)   6pm Jan 15th

The original trilogy. Set in a faraway galaxy, both a coming-of-age story and a story of redemption. Insur-gents battle an oppressive and tyrannical empire. Full of good and evil forces, space battles, ‘droids, aliens, pathos, comedy, dark moments, and hope. Note that we are starting as soon as it is dark! Location: SubRosa, 703 Pacific Ave

Kontroll                            8pm Feb 19th

In the perpetual night of the underground subway sys-tem, a motley crew of ragtag ticket “kontrollers” patrol the trains to check that no one rides for free. Indifferent or belligerent passengers, a myste-rious love interest, a regime set on competition, and a sinister serial killer.  Eerie, haunting, and bleakly comic. Location: SubRosa, 703 Pacific Ave

Encounters at the End of the World  8pm Mar 19th

Filmmaker Werner Herzog travels to Antarctica to cap-ture this landscape's rarely seen beauty on film. With a keen eye for the wonders and sometimes hilari-ous peculiarities of this icy land's animal and human inhabitants, Herzog offers an astounding look at the world's most inhospitable landscape. Location: Sub-Rosa, 703 Pacific Ave

Voces inocentes                    8pm Apr 16th

Based on the true story of  Oscar Torres, Voces Ino-centes follows the drama of a young boy caught in the cross-fire of the Salvadoran Civil War. Chava just wants to be a normal 12 year-old, but faced with the no-win decision of joining the Salvadoran army or joining up with a band of guerillas, mere survival becomes a daily struggle. Location: SubRosa



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