Since 2002 · 175 showings · 15 locations · Always Free
Santa Cruz Guerilla Drive
UCSC Statewide Day of Action for Public Education
and the Tent UniversityPresents
Hunger Strike: UCSC Third World and Native American Studies
A bureaucrat in a retro-future world tries to correct an administrative error and himself becomes an enemy of the state.
Thursday March 1, 8pm
The Barn at the Base of Campus
Always Free!
Hunger Strike is a short film that Chronicles the 1981 student Hunger Strike in support of ethnic studies at the University of California, Santa CruzPLUS an intermission, great company and a guaranteed good time!
BRING anything you need to be comfortable in the great outdoors, friends, snacks to share.
What's going on at UCSC?
On Monday, Jan 9, the UCSC General Assembly voted to go on strike as a part of a statewide day of action for public education. For more information see the Facebook pagehttp://www.facebook.com/events/212259242199302/
SANTA CRUZ GUERILLA DRIVE-IN is an outdoor movie theatre under the stars that springs up in the fields and industrial wastelands. Beyond showing great movies and bringing a broad community together, part of our mission is helping reclaim public space and transforming our urban environment. Find out more at guerilladrivein.org
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